The condition you arrive in at work is the condition we want you to leave in. At Amstrad, we are all committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our colleagues and ourselves. This dedication to safety is upheld by every member of our team, whether employees or contractors, across all our sites. We implement straightforward yet effective rules, conduct regular training sessions, and run targeted awareness campaigns, alongside maintaining robust safety infrastructure, to optimize safety at all times.
The safety infrastructure at our tank terminals is grounded in various international and local standards. Each Amstrad Logistics site not only meets but often exceeds all relevant legislative requirements to ensure safety and effectively minimize the risk of incidents such as fires or spills.
Our safety measures include non-slip flooring, guardrails to prevent falls, and high-visibility materials on uniforms and stairs. Furthermore, we maintain first aid and emergency response teams on-site to promptly address any incidents that may arise.
At Amstrad, everyone is considered a safety leader and is trained to identify hazards and report potentially unsafe conditions. It is the collective responsibility of all employees to reduce or, whenever possible, eliminate risks.
In 2023, we implemented the 9 Life-Saving Rules established by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP). These rules are not a replacement for a management system, qualified personnel, site regulations, or procedures; rather, they act as a final safeguard to ensure our safety.
To elevate our operational excellence, we set ambitious goals that reflect our commitment to achieving a target of zero incidents while adhering to environmentally sustainable practices. We are dedicated to fostering a robust culture of safety and security, firmly believing that accidents and injuries can be prevented.
Our pursuit of operational excellence encompasses environmental preservation, waste reduction, and the minimization of our carbon footprint. Together, we cultivate a workplace where sustainability, social responsibility, environmental stewardship, and safety are paramount.
We acknowledge that the CO2 emissions resulting from our activities affect climate and biodiversity. Our objective is to achieve CO2 neutrality by 2030 for scope 1 and 2 emissions, and by 2040 for scope 3 emissions. Our strategy employs a multi-tiered approach: avoid, reduce, replace, and compensate.
Some of the products we store are classified as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which readily evaporate at ambient temperatures and can pose hazards to both people and the environment. Sources of VOC emissions include breathing losses from storage tanks during routine operations, as well as emissions from loading and cleaning activities.
We understand that VOC emissions can vary significantly based on factors such as the types of products stored, the frequency of tank cleaning, roof landings, and external temperatures. Our objective is to implement best practice engineering standards and enhance operational efficiency, thereby reducing VOC emissions to the lowest levels reasonably practicable.
We view the preservation of biodiversity as a critical component in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to climate change risks, and maintaining essential ecosystem services. Our aim is to contribute to biodiversity preservation by reducing CO2 emissions and supporting nature-based solutions.
Nature-based solutions to climate change involve the conservation, restoration, and optimal management of ecosystems to effectively remove CO2 from the atmosphere. These ecosystems play a vital role in capturing CO2 and sequestering it in plants, soils, and sediments, while also safeguarding communities from the impacts of climate change.
We anticipate that each of our terminals will have a biodiversity and water stress risk assessment along with a corresponding action plan. This initiative includes our commitment to support local biodiversity or nature conservation projects.
We are committed to sourcing materials responsibly, reducing water consumption, and minimizing waste. In addition to our existing energy efficiency initiatives, we plan to conduct comprehensive water efficiency and waste studies for all terminals in 2024. Our objective for 2030 is to ensure that no waste generated by Amstrad is sent to landfills.
As the custodian of our customers’ products, we are committed to safeguarding the environment and the well-being of our neighbors and the communities in which we operate. To achieve this, we have implemented controls to prevent unintended product releases and established environmental standards based on a precautionary approach that prioritizes prevention over remediation. Our objective is to ensure that there are no unintended product releases into the environment.
We acknowledge that our suppliers are integral to our sustainability strategy. Our expectations are outlined in our Supplier Code of Conduct. By the end of 2024, we aim to assess all strategic suppliers and establish processes to monitor their performance. We are committed to collaborating with them to enhance sustainability throughout our supply chain.
Our vision to be meaningful and relevant to our stakeholders includes actively supporting the communities in which we operate. We strive to raise awareness of our responsibilities as a corporate citizen, focusing on supporting local risk groups, non-profit organizations, and sustainable philanthropy initiatives. We promote sustainable practices both internally and externally.
We firmly believe that all incidents are preventable. To ensure the safety of our employees, colleagues, contractors, neighbors, and visitors, we have established comprehensive processes designed to mitigate harm. Additionally, we offer employee wellbeing programs at all terminals to support our team’s health. Our ultimate goal is to achieve zero recordable incidents and eliminate all Tier 1 and Tier 2 process safety events.
Respecting human rights is fundamental to our responsible business practices. We are committed to upholding human rights and ensuring our employment conditions align with international standards and the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. We aim to enhance the lives of all our employees, fostering their personal growth and contributing to a sustainable future. Our operations adhere to the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Additionally, we strive to promote the human rights agenda within our supply chain by actively engaging with our key suppliers on this important issue.
As individuals and as a company, we actively engage in the development of our society. We recognize that perspectives on business ethics and integrity may vary, and to ensure alignment across our diverse backgrounds, we have established our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, along with a Whistleblower Policy. These policies enhance the framework set by laws and regulations by clearly outlining the acceptable behaviors we uphold, extending beyond legal requirements. We are committed to fostering a culture of integrity and ethical conduct in all our endeavors.
We view diversity as a valuable asset and believe that every employee has the right to be treated with dignity and respect in a safe and non-threatening environment. We appreciate each individual’s unique qualities and diverse backgrounds, recognizing that they enhance our decision-making process. We are committed to maintaining a workplace free from physical or verbal harassment and do not tolerate discrimination based on race, color, age, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, ethnicity, or any other characteristic.
Our goal is to ensure that all employees receive training in this area as part of the Amstrad Logistics Ethics and Conduct Training program. Additionally, we aim to increase the representation of women in Amstrad Logistics's senior management to 20% by 2030.
Our information security measures are designed to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the data entrusted to us by customers, employees, supply chain partners, contractors, and other stakeholders. We are committed to continuously optimizing our Information Security Management System, with the goal of achieving ISO 27001 certification by 2025.
Our strategy focuses on being the connected partner for our customers by providing superior service and sustainable storage solutions. This connected partnership means we are dedicated to continuously enhancing our customers' experience and aligning our priorities with theirs. We prioritize transparency and maintain open, frequent communication with our customers. Our goal is to achieve a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of at least 50 by 2027 across all terminals.